Wednesday, April 12, 2006

approaching Easter

I read something today on another blog that moved me to tears. For a few years now, Easter has really held so very much emotion for me. It's not only a sobering reminder of the incredible cost to my Savior for my sin, but also an exuberant celebration of the renewal I've experienced in my own life, in the lives of those around me, and the promise of the renewal yet to come in this life and beyond!

Easter and the week leading up to it reminds me of the many times in my life I've been through when I felt alone, in the dark, without hope, or just wondering what was going on. I thought surely God has finally given up on me - I am a lost cause, He doesn't have a plan or I have missed it and now I'm on my own, or I'm not listening hard enough. All those little things creep into my thoughts and confuse and discourage me even more. How the disciples must have felt that week, going through the turn of events they did. Did they understand what was happening? More than likely - no, or not all of them. Did their faith waver? We know that a few, if not all, did. Haven't we all had moments like these? I can't help but sort of relive those moments of despair the disciples must have had because I've had them in my own life.

Then, you compare the disciples to Christ and it's pretty much like night and day. Christ knew clearly what was coming, he understood the sacrifice, and he set out "resolutely" for Jerusalem. I want to face my trials and the moments when I am uncertain like that - faithfully resolute in Christ.

I've gone to see He's Alive! here at Victory several times over the past few years and it seems no matter how many times I've seen it, I still can't help but shout and cry for joy when "Christ comes out of the tomb" and appears to Mary and His disciples. It's a weird sort of feeling - like I expected a different outcome this year to the story I've known all my life. In that moment, I know without any doubt that He is my life and heart's Hero, my King, risen forevermore, my Redeemer, and coming again. His resurrection marks the beginning of the end of life as we know it, not only on earth but for the life to come. It heralds the beginning of a new life beyond logic or comprehension. I know that He intends to make all things new and to redeem and renew all the things that have been lost.

It never ceases to amaze me that in a matter of three days, Christ changed our world so completely and absolutely. He did for us in three days what we could never do for ourselves in an entire lifetime! I am so thankful!

Happy Easter- we are forgiven and Christ is risen indeed!


Diane Viere said...

Amen! Hosanna! Thank you Jesus!


Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...


heartsjoy said...
