Thursday, January 26, 2006

easily distracted or what?

I just realized, for probably the millionth time, how easily distracted I can be sometimes. I went into my purse looking for a specific pen, but noticed how much trash there was in my purse, so I started weeding and tossing it out, taking everything else out in the process. Then, I noticed my fancy lipstick case holder that is clothy and velvety (thanks to Arbonne! :-) and how linty it was, grabbed my tiny lint roller and rolled off the lint, put my lipstick case back in its fancy holder and back in my purse. Then, I started putting everything else back in my purse. Turned back to my computer, happy to have my purse cleaned out a little and paused. You know the pause I mean. The one where you are finally catching up with yourself and realizing that you just spent a few minutes doing something else OTHER than what you originally intended. I just had to laugh at myself and share it with all you wonderful blog readers! :-)

I'm sure I could make some spiritual connections here as well - being easily distracted and all - but I just don't want to right now. How's that for ya?


heather said...

what?! that's it, you're out of the club.

j/k ;)

janiners said...

yeah, so i'm a dork and not always that funny. I really thought I was hilarious! :-) it's a start. :-)

heartsjoy said...

That gave me a good laugh...probably because I can so easily relate!! I am constantly loosing what I was setting out to do and then wonder why it takes me so long to get stuff done. Well, we are getting stuff done, just not always what we set out to do! :)

janiners said...

exactly! :-) :-)

SuperMom said...

Oh my gosh. I completely relate. Thing is, you're not supposed to be that way until you pop out some kiddos. Look out!

LiteratureLover said...

Boy, do I KNOW that pause!! Laughing. You have a sister here, girl!