Tuesday, August 08, 2006

sing over me

WOW! First I have to say I can't believe I've passed the 100 days to go mark! Woo-hoo! Not much longer!

This CD to the left is truly a gift I feel is right from God's own heart to my own. Since I've been pregnant, the one verse and thought that continues to come to my mind is Zephaniah 3:17 and the thought that I so desire God to sing over me and baby. Most of all, I want desperately for God to sing peace over all of my being and for the peace of Christ to become my own.

This particular CD is a compilation project of some of the contemporary Christian women artists (four of which are mothers themselves) I enjoy the most, including Nichole Nordeman! Yeah!

One thing Nichole Nordeman writes in the CD enclosure, which I have yet to experience but seems to echo with stories from those I've talked with, is this -

"....Nobody thinks about worshipping in a rocking chair at 3 am. But this is the reality of motherhood.... stealing away with God one moment at a time, not so much for the desire of being heard and seen, but more for the rare chance to listen."
I've been listening to this CD here at work today and it's very soothing, peaceful, and just precious. It has some familiar worship songs, intentionally recorded with gentle arrangements, on it like How Great is Our God, Here I Am to Worship, Hold on to Jesus, We Fall Down, and Jesus Loves Me. There are also some new ones I already love and I'm looking forward to rocking my little boy to sleep, whether at 3 am or 7 in the evening, to this music. And I look forward to singing over him words of worship to praise the God who sent the precious little gift of him to me.

The other thing which I just thought was so very cool is that when I opened the CD case, it had the words of Zephaniah 3:17 inside. I about cried! God truly loves to give his daughters and sons good gifts!


soulreavers said...

That verse has a special place in my family's hearts. Everyone in my family has that reference either tattood or imprinted on jewelry somewhere on our body. It helped us get through a VERY tough time a couple of years ago. I am glad that it was able to bring you joy and hope in this time.

paulmerrill said...

The 3am thing... you will enjoy it some but feel the pain at other times. That's kinds like life - a mix of joy and struggle.

Just this morning I was reflecting with my wife how our little 5 year old is beginning kindergarden in less than a week. Time truly flies & we need to try to savor each moment.

Candy said...

God loves you so very much!

Amber said...

Thanks for sharing about that CD and how God is always speaking to us. Rocking our little boys to beautiful worship music will be so awesome!

LiteratureLover said...

How sweet! ohhhh...

Rebecca Unfried said...

I just randomly found your sight because I was trying to find a website for this CD which is my favorite - I absolutely love!!!! I rock my baby boy to sleep with this CD and feel so blessed by it! The words are so life giving to me. I wish you so many blessed times with your little boy, what a joy they are.